Clean & Healthy Living

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Maintaining the Highest Health Standards

In a post-COVID-19 world, your and your loved one’s safety is critical.

Park Gardens Senior Living is dedicated to your health and safety, so we have instituted new protocols and cleaning procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Our first priority is ensuring our tenants and residents are cared for in a safe and healthy environment.

Our community follows the CDC’s recommendations for flu prevention, including strict handwashing procedures as well as wearing gowns and gloves when interacting with tenants. We are also staying up to date with the latest CDC recommendations as they may continue to change. Additionally, we are in close contact with the local and state health department, and we are following their guidance.

The CDC has done a careful review of the death rate in the elderly, especially those with dementia or chronic diseases. Experts recommend we take action to limit individuals from entering our building and ensure sick employees stay home. We offer hand washing and alcohol-based hand sanitizer stations throughout the building. We wash our hands regularly and avoid shaking hands and hugging any individual. Our residents are encouraged to stay home, and we offer additional support as needed with virtual visits, organizing the delivery of essential items, and provide engaging activities within their own apartments or small groups.

We are providing daily health screenings for all residents. Our apartments have individual heating and cooling systems so residents don’t have to share ductwork with their neighbors; this also helps reduce the spread of infection. Residents are socially distanced and wear masks when outside of their apartment, and we encourage frequent handwashing. The vaccine for COVID-19 is being rolled out in our community and will be offered to residents, staff, and essential caregivers.

The current COVID-19 outbreak situation means it is critical that we take every precaution possible to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Why Choose Park Gardens Senior Living?

We’re here to ensure every day is something to look forward to. We offer a rotating calendar of events that serve every passion our residents could ever have. Spend your days with something familiar or try something new. The choice is yours.

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Each of our lifestyles is customized to meet your particular needs. Whether you are joining our community as an Independent Living resident or under our Memory Care program, we ensure you have everything you need to find comfort, care, and convenience.

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Our caregiving staff is here to help you find everything you need to make your life comfortable. If you need help with simple tasks throughout the day, or want to have someone to talk to, we’re always here for you.

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Where to Find Us

Where to Find Us

You can easily find us just across the street from Woodland Baptist Church on Skogmo Boulevard.


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Our Address

215 E Skogmo Boulevard
Fergus Falls, MN 56537

Call Us Today

Phone: 218-332-7517


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