Which Lifestyle Option Is Best for Me?

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Find the Care You Deserve

When you join Park Gardens Senior Living, you can make life what you want with our staff’s care and support. We offer different lifestyle options designed to address the entire spectrum of care, and each one is customizable to match your specific needs.

We’re here to provide you with comfort, care, and convenience, and it starts by scheduling a tour and deciding the best lifestyle for you.

Our Lifestyle Options

Independent Living Plus

Independent Living Plus is the perfect lifestyle option for those who only need a little bit of assistance in their day but can handle tasks like cooking, cleaning, and walking. This lifestyle also includes extra safety measures in case you have specific health problems that need monitoring.

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Assisted Living

Assisted Living is a care-focused lifestyle perfect for those who struggle with day-to-day activities like getting dressed, walking, eating, or managing hygiene. We structure our care plan around you and adapt as your needs change.

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Memory Care

Memory Care is our specially-designed program to help those with cognitive impairments live safely and comfortably. We provide extra training to our staff and expand our list of services to provide your loved one with the care they deserve.

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Schedule Your Tour Today

Comfort and convenience are only a phone call away. Please, call us today to schedule a tour. We are ready to serve you.

Why Choose Park Gardens Senior Living?

We’re here to ensure every day is something to look forward to. We offer a rotating calendar of events that serve every passion our residents could ever have. Spend your days with something familiar or try something new. The choice is yours.

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Each of our lifestyles is customized to meet your particular needs. Whether you are joining our community as an Independent Living resident or under our Memory Care program, we ensure you have everything you need to find comfort, care, and convenience.

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Our caregiving staff is here to help you find everything you need to make your life comfortable. If you need help with simple tasks throughout the day, or want to have someone to talk to, we’re always here for you.

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Where to Find Us

Where to Find Us

You can easily find us just across the street from Woodland Baptist Church on Skogmo Boulevard.


Email Us

Our Address

215 E Skogmo Boulevard
Fergus Falls, MN 56537

Call Us Today

Phone: 218-332-7517


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